Labor and delivery does not go as we plan or even don't plan. There is a fine line between being too proactive and not being proactive enough during labor.
Find and interview pediatricians before baby is born.
We can't be afraid of pooping. We really do poop a baby out, so to speak, or so it feels like it (Thank you to my dear friend K for this one.).
No questions should be posed to the laboring mom-to-be that require more than a "yes" or "no" response.
Have a lactation consultant (or 2). They will really come in handy if breastfeeding is challenging.
There really is a thing called tongue-tie.
Trust instincts. Stop reading books when we can't find out instincts. Paying attention to our babies will tell us at least 75% of what we need to know. Advice changes and switches back and forth like a pendulum every 10-20 years.
The first few months are really hard. They can also be really enjoyable at the same time. The time passes really fast. We are getting to know our new best friend but without any breaks. There is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.