Whether it’s lower back pain, hip pain, or SI joint pain - stretching the psoas can help. But before we get to the simple stretch you can do now - let’s learn a bit first.
The Psoas Muscle
It’s one of the most important muscles in the body and yet your auto-correct doesn’t even know it’s a word…
It holds you upright. It connects your legs to your spine. It’s part of your hip flexors and it’s the deepest muscle in your core. If it weren’t for your psoas you wouldn’t be able to walk, run, stand, bend over, lie down, get up, or twist.
It’s been called “the muscle of your soul.” It is one of the longest and deepest muscles in the body. It forms the shelf for many of your internal organs. It connects and balances your upper and your lower body, your insides to your outsides, your backs to your fronts, and your right side to your left side.
So - when it comes to alignment - could there be a more important muscle in your entire body?
I first learned the importance of stretching this muscle when I had low back pain. After a few visits to a physical therapist, and learning a few stretches, my back pain disappeared.